There are currently 573 tribes recognized by the federal government. Yet other tribes, whose treaties predated the US government or who were otherwise overlooked, continue to exist. Kenah Consulting aids tribes with promising federal acknowledgment cases in gathering and analyzing evidence in order to demonstrate their eligibility. READ MORE.
Land and Natural Resource Rights
Protecting tribal lands and rights to natural resources is central to tribal sovereignty and self-determination. Unfortunately, these rights are constantly under threat. We work with Tribes and their legal representatives to gather evidence and generate reports to help put land into trust, establish natural resource rights, and demonstrate cultural and historical relationships.READ MORE.
Cultural Heritage
Protecting the cultural and historic resources of tribes is an important issuefacing all tribal communities. We work with Tribes and other institutions to aid in the development of tribal cultural resources and historic preservation strategic planning, as well as program development tailored to preserving, protecting and conserving tribal cultural and historic resources.READ MORE.
Research and Analysis
Kenah Consulting works with Tribes to develop research designs tailored to their individual needs. This includes research and analysis to gather evidence to establish land and natural resource rights and/or federal status, establish heritage claims, and develop cultural programming. We will work to ensure that your organization has all the documentation and analysis required to meet its objectives.READ MORE.
Capacity Building
Building capacity within tribal communities strengthens tribal sovereignty and self-determination. Kenah Consulting works with tribes to develop plans, policies, and procedures as well as training and resources to build their capabilities in ways that enhance and sustain tribal communities.READ MORE.
Program Development
Kenah Consulting works collaboratively with Tribes and other institutions to build achievable and effective programs. We strive to develop programs that address tribal and institutional goals in a number of areas related to our expertise in land use and natural resources rights, cultural heritage, capacity building, and historic research and analysis. READ MORE.
Grants are one of the most important sources of funding for Indian tribes and the organizations that work with them. Kenah Consulting helps tribes developcompetitive grant applications to fund programs that strengthen their communities and enhance tribal self-determination.We also work with museums and cultural institutions to obtain funding for collaborative programs that incorporate native perspectives and histories.READ MORE.